Despite everything that you may be going through, as much as it seems that your world has stopped spinning, everything else around you just keeps flowing on. That's a bit of a harsh realization that hit me hard recently. David actually said almost exactly that, having no clue that I was pondering it due to my bible study.
This past week we were studying miracles and of all Biblical miracles mine is in Matthew 8:23-24 when Jesus is on a boat with his disciples and a storm comes. With just a word, He stops the storm and calms the waves. Wow. That is truly amazing in and of itself, but when I read it, I can't help but think of the figurative along with the literal. Jesus can calm storms-real thunder and lightening storms-with a word, a gesture, a glance. Imagine what he can do to the storms in our lives.
I remember both these things, holding them close to my heart, when ever I feel like the water is rising and the world has stopped spinning. With a glance, I'm safely at the feet of Jesus.