The Far-Fallen Apple

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Dear Past, Sincerely Me

I hate to do this after all we've been through together, but I really must let you go. The glances over the counter, the inevitable tears on the drive home, the urge to read their blogs/comments/twitter. It all must go. This rumbling in my stomach from all their hateful words gets tiring. I'm not who I was when I held you close, but no matter how much I let you go, you still remain. It's time for you to leave. I'm not who you seem to think I am. Thanks for all you've taught me, like not to love or trust, it got me through high school with a beating heart. I think I'm ready to move on from all that though. I've started to see where your teachings are wrong. Just because he couldn't love me like a daddy is supposed to doesn't mean there's something fatally wrong with me. Just because he couldn't stay faithful doesn't mean it's okay for me to cheat as well. Just because my friends treated me like dirt doesn't mean that's what I am. Now, I know what you're going to say, I did this all to myself. Well, yes, I stuck on this path you led me down for far too long. I'd rather the forest over this. So this is goodbye and please don't come back. Things would never work between us.


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